Monday, February 2, 2009

Boredom Busters

Okay, I know that the title of this entry is totally creative and cute... not my idea. (I am hanging my head in shame.) Anyway (Okay, no more hanging) I found this FABULOUS website that I may have mentioned before but I don't remember... anyway, it's called Sugardoodle. It's got great ideas for everything from FHE to.... hmm... can't think of a "to." Well, it's a great website and my primary kids can credit most of my lessons to it. I strongly suggest you check it out.

On this amazing website I found a fantastic list of things for kids to do. I have printed this out and I'm going to hang it on my fridge so when my kids want to turn on the TV we can find something else a little more creative for them to do... some of the things on here need parental guidance (especially with kids as young as mine) but some of the stuff they can do without me which gives me a minute to load the dishwasher or do a load of laundry. Go check it out.... right... here.

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