Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Horton Hears a Who

We have three boys 5, 3, and 4 months. This last weekend was Memorial day weekend and it was raining like God had flooded the bathtub so we stayed home and cleaned the house. Mike and I aren't very good at cleaning the house so sometimes it gets crazy, out of control, messy! This is where we were on Monday. Jaden (the 5 year old) was going crazy and Noah (the 3 year old) wasn't dressed by 2:30 in the afternoon. Everybody was edgy so we decided that we had better get out of the house. So, Mike and I took the boys (ALL THREE OF THEM!!!) to the dollar movie. (BTW, I was happy to find out that the dollar theater in Sandy is actually a $.50 theater on Mondays!) so all four of us were able to go see Horton Hears a Who for 2 dollars!!! Of course Noah is a fiend so we had to buy popcorn and a drink so really the movie ended up costing about 10 dollars. Not too shabby if you ask me. Anyway, I think that the Horton Hears a Who movie was great. It was entertaining (except for the screaming baby in the back row! - sorry everybody) and had some good lessons. I liked that Horton didn't give up he kept trying and trying and even though that grouchy kangaroo was awful Horton didn't give in but then ended up forgiving her. The famous quote from that book and the movie is "A person's a person, no matter how small." What a simple way of saying we all matter!


Jill said...

I love doing those kinds of things with my kids too. It's getting a little expensive for us now though! I love your boys so much they are so cute, nutty but cute!!
I love your family so much!

Jill said...

Time to post a new blog!

Jill said...